I apologize to all that look at and read this blog on a regular basis. Here is a quick run down of our life since Christmas.

Me, I got offered a new position with M&I on Christmas Eve which I gladly accepted. It was a wonderful present to our family for Christmas, because not only was it a pay increase it was a increase to full time hours as well. It was great getting this position for my career within M&I and for our family. I am very pleased with the position, and everyone seems to like me so far too.
Dan, had a rough winter with work. They didn't really have that many hours this winter he averaged about 20 hours a week, so it was truly a blessing that I got a full time position. He has been getting more hours as the summer months are approaching so that is really great! We feel like we are finally on the up.
Darren, where to start with Darren...

This little man is huge! Growing leaps and bounds it is incredible. Doctors tell us that he is catching up well, tall for his weight. He only weighs about 25 pounds, but he keeps Dan and I on our toes! He is a fast little booger.

Wanted to keep this short and sweet so more to come about our crazy life, our trip to New York and more. I promise not to keep you all waiting anymore!
Yay! I'm so happy the blog is back! I can't believe how big and different Darren looks! Congrats on your new position Darcy!
Yay! I'm happy to see your blog is back! Darren is soo cute :) Hope to see you guys in a few weeks!
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