Sunday, May 18, 2008

Scary Homecoming

From Friday to Saturday the family was down in Milwaukee for a family gathering. We came home somewhat late last night, and when I say late I mean 8:30pm. But by this point we were all completely exhausted! Just had to share a few cool pictures as we came into Stevens Point last night.

Sorry they are blurry but I was taking them while we were driving about 70 mph on the highway. As you can see there was a huge storm front coming in. It looked like a very impressive storm. In the last picture you can see what is called a hook cloud, known for producing tornadoes. But sadly it wasn't a nice big storm, it just rained for a while. No thunder, or lightning, so Dan was disappointed because he loves thunder storms.

Anyways, more to come about the weekend later, just had to get these up for you to see!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Staying at Home

I love staying at home with my little one and not really ever having a set plan. There is Nap time at 1pm and bed time at about 7:30pm, but other than that not much else. The days seem to just fly by while staying at home. Now that it is getting nice out we can go outside to play and take walks. I still feel like I don't get much accomplished during the day! So here is my day in a nutshell.

Darren up around 7:30am to eat. At this point he is up for the day so we play for a little while, he then takes a small cat nap for energy. Which is my time to shower, if I choose to do that or chores. By this time it is about 10:30am and he is getting hungry again or will be soon so I can't really go anywhere or for a walk. He then eats again, and then it is lunch time for me. We go for a walk, and he goes down for his long nap. Which sometimes allows me to get things done around the house but most of the time I just want to sit on my butt! Then when he wakes up from his long nap he is super happy and I just want to play with him while he is in such a good mood, that again I am not productive around the house. Next he gets his veggies, and cereal then I fight to keep him awake till about 7:30 give him a bottle and he is out for the night. From this point on I fly around the house as quietly as possible to pick up toys that I forgot to turn off, (Ooops!) and wash bottles as well as dishes. At this point I get myself ready for bed and sleep. Then this routine starts all over again.

I know that as a stay at home mom your job is to take care of the child, help them learn and grow. But I feel like my house should be spotless and dinner on the table as Dan gets home from work. Like something out of a '60's TV show. Wow reality is nothing like TV!

Why do I feel like I don't accomplish anything during the day? Or that I should always be doing something else if I am taking a break? My focus should be on Darren, right? The house can and will wait?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


There are some mornings that I wake up and all I want is a white chocolate mocha from Starbucks. It is by far my favorite and the most fattening for me too. So it makes life hard, do I want to exercise extra hard or do I want to do my normal routine and not have my coffee? Most days I am good, but every now and then I have to splurge for that white chocolaty goodness.
So this past weekend I had one of my cravings, so Dan goes to get us both coffee at about 8:30am on a Saturday morning. You may ask yourself who in their right mind is up that early on a Saturday? He goes in his comfy cloths, a graphic shirt and sweat pants. When he comes home he said the guy at the window was a "Chatty Cathy". Asked him about his shirt and where it was from and if you have ever gone back. I thought it was funny that someone was trying to actually have a conversation with him as he is getting our morning coffee! I don't think that Dan was actually awake until he had his first sip.
Darren was then sitting on Dan's lap while he was drinking his coffee, and tried to take the cup from him. It was pretty cute he is already taking after his Mom, and Dad.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Green Beans? Not so much...

Once Darren was awake from his nap on mothers day I took him by my mothers day gifts and took some pictures. This one turned out pretty cute of him grabbing at the flowers. He then proceeded to try and eat them. Dan and I scared him when we both said NO. Then I felt bad because he cried.
To be fair to the kitty's I had to post this picture of Millie. She looks kind of weird in this picture, but she really is a cute cat.
One picture can say it all so this is what we have to say about green beans...

I know it is gross but Dan told me people would think it is funny.

This next weekend Dan and I are making our big trip down to Milwaukee. Amanda is graduating from Medical school, which is an awesome accomplishment and we are so proud of her. We are taking a baby sitter with us so as we and everyone else can enjoy ourselves. And not have to be occupied with Big D the whole time. We are going to dinner and then we are going on a booze cruise with all you can eat Nacho bar, and I think beer too. So I am hoping to take some cool shots this next weekend so be looking for them! I know it is only Monday and I am already thinking about Friday, but weeks just fly by these days.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Well today we celebrated my first mother's day. Dan and Darren got me a bird feeder and hanging plant to put in the yard. They looked so nice that I had to take some pictures and share with you.
So our first mother's day is a success. Dan is being wonderful and letting me pretty much do whatever I want! He is doing laundry while I am sitting here tell all of you how wonderful he is. We have plans to go for a walk a little later, I am just sad it is not a nicer day outside. It is pretty windy and cloudy.
I hope all the mother's out there are having just as great of a day as I am, and Happy Mother's Day to you!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Lazy Days

So this week has been a fairly nice week to speak of. I am just glad that we didn't start it out with snow! So the nice weather has meant walks and playing on a blanket in the yard. Which leads us to some cute pictures. The tulips I just thought were really pretty.
Dan took this picture of the cat this afternoon. She was sun bathing in our living room, and the light hits her fur in such a way that she looks all fuzzy(I mean fur is fuzzy but you know what I mean).
Darren is starting to sit up all on his own! He is just looking like such a big boy now. I sometimes can't help but to just stare at him in amazement. Just such a miracle that he is doing so well, and I am so thankful that this little boy is in our lives.
He liked sitting outside on a blanket with me. He would just watch the cars pass. So calm and content.
On the funny side of Big D, his nick-name is The Big Squirm, so I was so happy that I got this one on camera. We put Darren to bed in the middle of his crib, which is pretty standard as far as I know. He will then squirm all night long not constantly but enough to end up like this.
I know it is a big SIDS no-no for blankets, but this kid loves to snuggle with them. So as you can see he is no where near the blankets we laid him down with and shoves himself way up in the end of the crib. I tell him every morning when he wakes up that he might sleep better and longer if he didn't wedge himself at the end of his crib like that. Such a silly little man.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Not Much to Report/ I Guess More Then I Thought

Sorry that it has been a few days since my last post. We just didn't really have much going on lately. We had a great weekend, hung out with some fun friend on Friday night and then we came home early to play drinking games on our front porch. I know it sound like something an eighteen year old would do but trust me it was tons of fun! We then played poker on Saturday night, and did some yard work on Sunday. Darren and I have been enjoying spending a lot of time with Dan.

Most of you will know how much my husband LOVES Star Wars. So you will get a kick out of what Darren did! He and I were playing on the floor, when he started to play with his feet. He then rolled over on his side and was looking at the DVDs we have sitting on a shelf. He look right at the Star Wars Trilogy and started grabbing for it! I just thought to myself, aw great here we go!
Then for the grandpa's we have put Darren in his first Harley Davidson piece of clothing so of course I had to take pictures of it for you two! He will be ready for a bike ride in no time. But my question to the grandpa's is who is going to buy the child size helmet? My son will not be riding without one! But I think we have some time to talk about that later.
The latest vegetable that we have been trying is sweet potatoes. I think the picture speaks for itself!