The weather here is finally starting to get nice outside. We have been able to play with Darren outside, but not a lot. It seems like the weather is super nice during the weeks, then the weekend comes and it is either rainy or windy. 

Mothers Day weekend was nice. We didn't really do much which is nice for a change we worked out in the yard and helped the neighbors dig up their flag pole. We liked this or I should say Darren liked this he got to play in the dirt and get dirty. 

We have also discovered this great park just across the river. So Dan and I like to take Darren there either in the evenings after dinner. Or on the weekends. We really like to take him because it is just a short bike ride away and keeps Dan and I pretty active too. As if Big D isn't enough to keep us active. 

Work has been pretty crazy for Dan he is putting in a lot of hours so please keep us in your prayers that this keeps up. Other wise I am afraid it is bye-bye Stevens Point.
As for this coming weekend, again we don't really have much planned probably a nice BBQ with friends. Dan is working on a side job again, and those too can keep coming! So we are staying in Point for the weekend. I am looking forward to spending a lot of quality time with D and I pray the weather is nice! 

Just a Plug for Dan... Give him a call if you or any one you know needs a Handy Man to do some work around the house for you! I just put this "card" together for him. I am a little out of practice in the designing area so be patient I will get better as I get back into the swing of things.

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