Thursday, June 17, 2010

its all about Me

Well this week I remembered what it is like to just be myself again. Yes I am still a mom and a wife, but this week I had time for me. To do what I wanted to eat what I wanted and to be lazy when I wanted.

As most of you know Dan is working out of town. Yes we are doing that again. This job will not take nearly as long, but still being pregnant and taking care of a 2 1/2 year old all by myself is madness. But we get through knowing the light is at the end of the tunnel. This week was different. Uncle Randy and Aunt Amanda took Darren and their niece Kaitlynn for the whole week. And Dan is working out of town. That means I got to just be me this week.

Monday was a little weird not having anyone but me to get ready for the day. I ordered pizza and bread sticks from Pizza Hut, which I only ate one piece of pizza and two bread sticks but I was able to order the toppings I wanted. Then Tuesday I had a half day, and cleaned like a mad lady. Then I warmed up some left over pizza and fell asleep on the couch watching Twilight, a movie I wanted to watch. Then Wednesday night I didn't feel guilty about hanging out with the volleyball team for a little too long after the game was over. Tonight a friend and I went for the longest walk in history, and it felt great! It took us over an hour. But it was great to catch up and vent and laugh. I didn't have to worry about Darren being antsy in his stroller or it being past his bed time.

So here's to a week of being me!

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