Dan, Darren and I are excited to announce that we are adding another little bundle of joy into the family! My due date is December 22nd. However my C-Section will be scheduled for the second week in December.
I am very excited to be pregnant again. After all the crazyness that happened when I was pregnant with Darren, I am just hoping for a happy and healthy 9 months. And So far so good, not a signal complaint. Other than the fact that nothing ever sounds good to eat. I have so many aversions this time around, and even one day I couldn't keep anything down. That really sucked.
Just recently had my 12 week check up, Dan was able to make it to hear the heart beat for the first time and his mom joined us too. She was super excited to come with me since I didn't think Dan would make it home on time. The doc started to listen to the heartbeat he goes, so you hear two heartbeats and we all just about passed out. The doc then went on to explain that the slow beat is mommy and the fast one is baby. Dan said, " Ok doc there is just one baby right?" He laughed and said yes just one baby. We all let out a slow sigh of re-leaf. Baby was at a healthy rate of 165 beats per minute.
Darren was really excited at first, he would come up and rub my belly and say,"Baby in mommy's tummy." He is really excited to be a big brother, we would ask if he wanted a brother or sister, and without hesitation he would say sister. Then last Friday when I picked him up from daycare, Sue was asking how I was feeling and we had a small chat about the new little one and how Darren was feeling about it. So I asked him if he wanted a brother of sister he said, "Ummm, no thanks." So that has been his answer lately. I think he is starting to realize he won't have mom and dad all to himself anymore. So I am glad we started the preparations early.
Any advice on preparing Darren for his new sibling is welcome!