So this week has been a fairly nice week to speak of. I am just glad that we didn't start it out with snow! So the nice weather has meant walks and playing on a blanket in the yard. Which leads us to some cute pictures. The tulips I just thought were really pretty. 

Dan took this picture of the cat this afternoon. She was sun bathing in our living room, and the light hits her fur in such a way that she looks all fuzzy(I mean fur is fuzzy but you know what I mean). 

Darren is starting to sit up all on his own! He is just looking like such a big boy now. I sometimes can't help but to just stare at him in amazement. Just such a miracle that he is doing so well, and I am so thankful that this little boy is in our lives. 

He liked sitting outside on a blanket with me. He would just watch the cars pass. So calm and content. 

On the funny side of Big D, his nick-name is The Big Squirm, so I was so happy that I got this one on camera. We put Darren to bed in the middle of his crib, which is pretty standard as far as I know. He will then squirm all night long not constantly but enough to end up like this. 
I know it is a big SIDS no-no for blankets, but this kid loves to snuggle with them. So as you can see he is no where near the blankets we laid him down with and shoves himself way up in the end of the crib. I tell him every morning when he wakes up that he might sleep better and longer if he didn't wedge himself at the end of his crib like that. Such a silly little man.

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