Where to start with this post.
I feel like a new person, after having spent some quality time with my family. This chapter in my life comes to a close, and I hope that no one will ever have to go through what Dan and I did. Most of you will never know how hard it was on our marriage. It was the hardest thing we will ever have to go through, and we made it! So I know that we can make it through anything. Not that we have had a easy first two years of marriage by any means. Let me tell you how our first two years went.
We start off in May for our wedding day, and amazing honey moon in Aruba. With a great first summer as newly weds I am thinking that married life is going to be great. Then comes the back pain which starts in about October, and then goes as far as back surgery in January. Also in January, we have a miscarriage and I feel like this is as bad as it can get. We soon get pregnant again, and Dan recovers from his surgery. This pregnancy has many complications, a rough summer which ends in a baby being born 3 months early! Darren thrives in the NICU, and comes home a month early. We have a rocky Christmas trying to travel with a preemie baby. Then my husband tells me that he is going to be working out of town during the weeks and won't be home but only on the weekends. I am stuck at home all winter with a preemie baby that can't really go anywhere. I start to go stir crazy. But soon the summer comes, and I can get outside but am still depressed that I have a "weekend husband". Which brings us to mid July of 2008, and we can be a family again. So needless to say we have not had a perfect marriage by any means. We have gone through a lot, and now I know we can get through anything.
We did some really fun things together as a family. Well OK we just made a trip down to the Milwaukee Zoo. To me this is what being a family is all about! It was a really hot day so the animals were not really active.

Darren was a tired little man at the end of our trip!

Our other big news, is Darren has his first tooth! And it took me forever to get a picture of it! Its really blurry, but it is in there! See...

I cannot believe how fast time goes. My little man will soon be the big 1, which means one hell of a party. Yes because he is one and that in itself is a big deal, but mainly because we survived this first year, all three of us.