Dan and I are very excited about D's new found movements. However, now I realize that it is time to baby proof. I feel like our house is a trap, for D to get hurt just about anywhere. The coffee table, the sofa, the chair, the recliner, the bookshelf, this list goes on and on! I am also sad now because I don't feel like I can have all my cute decorations out anymore. At least not where he can reach them. We could add more shelves to the walls, but Dan wouldn't be to excited about putting more holes in the wall! We have a start as my parents did inform me that they did find their baby gate, it is a extra wide one to fit in our arch way, so I can try and keep D contained, baby proof and still have nice stuff. Wish me luck as I have quite an adventure ahead!
This is where Dan proposed to me 3 years ago! It is a rotating restaurant that sits on top of the Hyatt as you can see. The Polaris has great food and was the perfect romantic atmosphere for Dan to propose in. We could see it from our hotel room and I thought that was pretty neat.
Darren's hair is looking more red to me every day. So last night after we gave him a bath we gave him a Mohawk!
And then here is just a cute one of him in a baseball outfit complete with hat and all.Other than these I don't really have much to report. Life will take a turn here in the next few weekends. I hope to be telling you all soon that Darren is crawling but he isn't there yet. He will be with in the next week or so I am sure. My little boy is growing up so fast!
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