Just as I am complaining that I can never catch a smile on camera, I am getting them left and right now. It is just like going to the doctor and you say no he isn't talking much yet, you get home and what happens? He is talking up a storm. For those of you who haven't seen Dan in a while this is what he looks like. I feel bad because I haven't put up a picture of him in a while. He got new glasses and they look very nice on him. Other than needing a hair cut he doesn't look much different.

Darren got a hat to shade his face when we go for walks. Isn't it adorable?

Then we went to a friends house the other night to play Texas Holdem, so I decided to make deviled eggs as a snack to share. Dan was tired so I relieved him from baby duty but still had work to do. I put Darren in my handy dandy sling, and away I went to make the deviled eggs. Darren of course was more then helpful, plus it was just too cute. When Dan saw what was going on he had to take some pictures.

Little did I know that when my husband got the camera he was going to take these pictures.

T and A is always on a mans mind! Nothing but class babe thanks!
And lastly I have to tell you all that while we were playing cards the other night I took 1st place! I was so proud of myself, I haven't played in so long that I basically went into playing with the mind set that I was just donating my $5. Oh no, I was a dangerous card player! OK maybe not but I am still in shock. So I was pretty excited and wanted to share.