Not sure if Gizmo thought that Darren was trying to play with her or what. But this is a pretty cute series of pictures. Dan was sitting on the couch feeding Darren and gizmo was playing with his feet as he kept kicking her with them. It was really very cute, and I think these pictures capture the moment well.
Today I have chicken on my feet. I am not sure what they are yet, but I think that they are funny. Especially when they are on my feet. My name is Darren and today I have chicken on my feet.
This was a interesting weekend to say the least! We had my brother and Amanda come to town from Milwaukee on Friday, we went to The Final Score for fish on Friday night. Had a couple of drinks for Dan's Birthday and went home. About an hour after we got home I started getting a headache and feeling sick at my stomach. Now I know what you all are thinking, and NO I was not drunk at all. I wound up getting the flu, it was horrible. I was sick and had a million things that I wanted to get done before Sunday. Instead I spent my entire Saturday quarantine, in my bedroom(which is also Dan's bedroom for those of you wondering). But thankfully we have a great family everyone jumped to my rescue and did the work I wanted to get done. So I am really tired from being sick in these but you will get the idea of how the day went. Thanks to all who came to support Dan, Darren and I. We love you all very much!! And if anyone needs a sitter, it turns out my brothers dog is great!
The Reed side. The Grabski side. The Sponsers. Cake, even though he can't eat it. Does that make me a mean Mom?
The first smile caught on camera! All in all we had a really fun Christmas. We got to see a lot of family and friends. The little one was very well behaved and liked meeting Santa for the first time. I went over to Appleton early to see my Mom and Dad for few days while Dan went up north for work. He then joined me and we stayed in Appleton until Christmas. We then spent the evening of the 26Th with Dan's Mom, Dad, brother Brandon and Traci. Darren of course got a lot of fun toys and cloths. We are looking forward to him running around next Christmas!
We have Darren who is 3, and Evelynn who has just joined the family. This is my scrapbook and my journal. Watch this family grow in love and laughter. I am a mom, I am a wife, and I am excited for you to keep up with us.