I love staying at home with my little one and not really ever having a set plan. There is Nap time at 1pm and bed time at about 7:30pm, but other than that not much else. The days seem to just fly by while staying at home. Now that it is getting nice out we can go outside to play and take walks. I still feel like I don't get much accomplished during the day! So here is my day in a nutshell.
Darren up around 7:30am to eat. At this point he is up for the day so we play for a little while, he then takes a small cat nap for energy. Which is my time to shower, if I choose to do that or chores. By this time it is about 10:30am and he is getting hungry again or will be soon so I can't really go anywhere or for a walk. He then eats again, and then it is lunch time for me. We go for a walk, and he goes down for his long nap. Which sometimes allows me to get things done around the house but most of the time I just want to sit on my butt! Then when he wakes up from his long nap he is super happy and I just want to play with him while he is in such a good mood, that again I am not productive around the house. Next he gets his veggies, and cereal then I fight to keep him awake till about 7:30 give him a bottle and he is out for the night. From this point on I fly around the house as quietly as possible to pick up toys that I forgot to turn off, (Ooops!) and wash bottles as well as dishes. At this point I get myself ready for bed and sleep. Then this routine starts all over again.
I know that as a stay at home mom your job is to take care of the child, help them learn and grow. But I feel like my house should be spotless and dinner on the table as Dan gets home from work. Like something out of a '60's TV show. Wow reality is nothing like TV!
Why do I feel like I don't accomplish anything during the day? Or that I should always be doing something else if I am taking a break? My focus should be on Darren, right? The house can and will wait?